Random Numbers Java

Unique Random Numbers Generator

Unique Random Numbers Generator

Class: Helper.java
Class: FormatUI.java
Class: Draw.java
Class: RandomUI.java
Class: RandomMain.java
Author: Shahrzad Jahangirian
Language: Java (using Java 8)
Date Added: January 7, 2019
Licence: My last addition to codes category was on Dec 2016 and now after 2 years and after one short term contract job as a Java Developer I am adding this second application today after Quicksort one. As always all source codes are for showing my skills in Software Development to get me a Job as Java Developer, C++ Developer, Application Developer, Software Engineer, Analyst Programmer. You are not allowed to sell this Application or use my codes to develop an application for Sale or apply my codes to develop software for commercial use and profit. You can offer me a price to buy the Application for mass production or buy my codes to develop your application for profit.

Description: This is a very simple Java application that I wrote, It gives 10 unique Random numbers in range of 0 to 100 by pressing Draw button. However as many programmers might know that it is not that easy to have unique random numbers unless using Java HashSet technology.

How to Run: I run this program in Windows 7 Command line Prompt with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 8 on my computer as you see above
Compile and Run it as below:
I assumed you saved all files at C:\javacodes then you need to compile following files on command prompt in exact following orders
C:\javacodes> javac Helper.java -d c:\javacodes "compiles the Helper class"
C:\javacodes> javac FormatUI.java -d c:\javacodes "compiles the FormatUI class"
C:\javacodes> javac Draw.java -d c:\javacodes "compiles the Draw class"
C:\javacodes> javac RandomUI.java -d c:\javacodes "compiles the RandomUI class"
C:\javacodes> javac RandomMain.java "compiles RandomMain class"
C:\javacodes> Java RandomMain "and to run it"

Class: Helper.java
Helper class is a utility class that I used for many of my Java Applications.
Class: FormatUI.java
FormatUI class adding needed properties for all Graphical User Interface(GUI) that I placed in this application screen. It is a utility class that I used for many of my Java Swing Applications.
Class: Draw.java
The Draw class draws 10 unique random numbers
Class: RandomUI.java
The RandomUI class has the Graphical User Interface implementation for Random Numbers Generator Application.
Class: RandomMain.java
The RandomMain class starting point of Random Numbers Generator Application to run.