Author: Shahrzad Jahangirian
Language: Java (using Java 6) Download Java 6 and
Download Java Runtime 6(JRE)
Date Added: Dec 17, 2013
Licence: All source codes are for showing my skills in Software Development to get me a Job as an Application Developer.
You are not allowed to sell this Application or use my codes to develop an application for Sale or apply my codes to develop
software for commercial use and profit. You can offer me a price to buy the Application for mass production or buy my codes to
develop your application for profit. Also you may offer me a price to buy this Application for your Business and ask me to update
the codes to match your Business Requirements.
Description: This is a small Java desktop application that takes some information
from a user through a swing based Graphical User Interface and calculates user Age,
Targeted and Maximum Hearth Rate, and Body Mass Index or BMI. The result will be displayed
on a report next to the user entries as you see on the image.
The details of Application requirements and formulas used to calculate different
measurements are taken from "Java How To Program" Ninth Edition by Deitel different
practical exercises. Also I added many requirements to the main problem such as implementing
a Graphical User Interface instead of using command prompt and input validation.
How to Run: I tested all codes on Windows 7 Command Prompt with
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 6 on my computer. ( you may download it by visiting
this link )
You need to create all files and save it in a folder in your computer such as C:\javacodes
and compile and run at command prompt as follows. I assumed you saved all files at C:\javacodes
C:\javacodes> javac -d c:\javacodes "this statement compiles the class and save it in healthUIPKG package"
C:\javacodes> javac -d c:\javacodes "this statement compiles the class and save it in healthPKG package"
C:\javacodes> javac -d c:\javacodes "this statement compiles the class and save it in healthUIPKG package"
C:\javacodes> javac "compiles the HealthMain class"
C:\javacodes> Java HealthMain"and this statement runs the Application"